To achieve the best results from your fruit we recommend you follow this simple guide which is laid out in seasonal form. You may question whether you should spray your trees with chemical sprays. In our own nursery we are very anxious to encourage the control of pests by natural predators. These are usually larger than the pests and generally quick moving. We therefore, use friendly chemicals and reduce spraying to a minimum. Some pests can be controlled adequately by trapping, others by hand picking. Similarly, some diseases can be reduced by selective pruning. Even the serious peach leaf curl disease can be prevented by ensuring the branches and new leaves are kept dry during February and March by construction of a polythene cover. Note, if you decide to use chemical sprays they must be carefully used according to the makers instructions.
1) Check condition of stakes, ties, soft fruit supports and permanent labels.
2) Winter pruning may commence
3) Check condition of stored fruit
4) Clear up leaf residue and place on the compost heap
5) Lightly cultivate soil around raspberries to expose Raspberry Beetle grubs to predators.
1) Winter pruning can continue including newly planted trees and bushes
2) Spray all dormant trees with Winter Tree Wash once in 3 years to control moss and lichen if desired.
3) Check condition of stored fruit.
1) Winter pruning can continue including newly planted trees and bushes.
2) Spraying of Winter Tree Wash can be done if not already applied.
3) Check condition of stored fruit.
4) Protect peach trees with temporary wood and polythene structure against leaf curl.
1) Winter pruning as before.
2) Check apple and pear Trees for Canker, clean wounds and treat them with propriety Canker paint.
3) Spread ‘Growmore’ fertiliser around all fruit trees and soft fruit (2oz – square yard).
4) Eliminate all weeds.
5) Tip tall raspberry canes back to five feet six inches.
1) Prune newly planted plum trees if not pruned in summer.
2) Prune cherries, paint wounds (See pruning)
3) Apply additional mulch if required.
4) Spray apple and pear trees with systematic fungicide at bud burst against scab and mildew. Repeat fortnightly until July if desired.
5) Aphids must be controlled, in light attacks soft soap may be satisfactory and it certainly wont harm the natural predators. In severe cases our choice would be pirimcarb, an effective chemical which harms little else. But if in doubt seek advice at the Garden centre. Do not spray when in blossom, as you may harm bees. Check regularly and repeat as necessary until July if desired.
6) Control weeds and grass for rest of summer.
1) Check for aphids and caterpillars on all fruit. If light attack of caterpillars squash eggs and hand pick.
2) Prune off mildewed shoots when seen.
3) Control weeds and grass.
1) Remove blossoms from trees in first year of growth.
2) Continue checking for aphids and caterpillars, spray if severe.
3) Water all trees and bushes if weather or soil dry, around the plant base fortnightly, mulching will help to conserve this moisture. Pushing a fork in lightly also helps water to penetrate.
4) Control weeds and grass.
5) Examine gooseberry bushes, if American Gooseberry Mildew is seen spray with washing soda – Mix 45ml (three tablespoons) washing soda in 1 litre (4 cups) warm water plus a little dash of soap.
1) Continue aphid and caterpillar inspection, take relevant action.
2) Avoid spraying apple and pears for Codling Moth by installing ‘Pheremone’ traps early in the month. Use one trap for five trees, various makes are available.
3) Spray raspberry flowers to combat Raspberry Beetle grubs if these occurred during the previous year.
4) Water trees if dry. Lightly thin the fruit if you think crops too heavy (use sharp pointed scissors). Leaving two fruits per cluster.
5) Tie in soft fruit shoots. Cut down the 9 inch stub of newly planted raspberries and other cane-fruit now that the young shoots are growing from soil level.
6) Pick first soft fruit – protect from birds.
7) Control weeds and grass.
1) If you decide to spray be very careful to avoid spraying when fruit is ripening. ie: Stella Cherries.
2) Check stakes and ties. Continue tying in cane-fruit.
3) Protect fruit from birds if possible.
4) Control weeds
5) Prop up branches which are cropping heavily.
6) Prune all plum trees now to avoid infection with Silver Leaf.
7) Harvest Stella Cherries and continue picking soft fruit.
8) Assist control of Codling Moth on apples and pears by wrapping corrugated paper around trunk and branches to attract pupating caterpillars. Remove and destroy in October.
9) Summer prune redcurrants, whitecurrants and gooseberries.
1) Harvest Oullins Golden Gage Mid August.
2) Harvest Victoria Plums late August-September.
3) Pick early apples as required.
4) Pick Morello Cherries August-September.
5) Summer prune apple and pear trees.
6) Remove all damaged fruit from trees and pick up windfalls.
7) Cut out the canes which have fruited from summer cropping raspberries and tie in the new cane.
8) Continue picking soft fruit.
1) Harvest Marjories Seedling Plum (September-October)
2) Harvest Merryweather Damson (September – October)
3) Harvest apples and pears – store if required.
4) Collect up damaged and discarded fruit and destroy.
5) Pick autumn fruiting raspberries.
6) Prune summer-fruiting raspberries if not already done, also other cane-fruit as soon as they have cropped.
7) Tie in this years new shoots of all cane-fruit, if not already completed.
1) Complete fruit harvesting. Ensure trees and bushes are cleared and all discarded fruit is collected and destroyed.
2) After harvesting spray with Bordeaux mixture, repeat again when half of the leaves have fallen – helps to control canker.
3) Remove old greasebands and corrugated paper from trees and destroy.
4) Check stored fruit for spots.
5) Apply new greasebands to trees.
6) Complete pruning of cane fruit and tying in of young shoots.
7) Towards end of month cut autumn-fruiting raspberries to soil level.